It is a barbaric punishment, but at least it’s a punishment. If you don’t enforce the law, people will break it. On the other hand (lol) many people in those areas do steal to survive, it’s lose a hand or die hungry in Iran, because their country is a hellhole.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
Steal in Iran and Get Your Fingers Chopped Off!
by minimus inthree teens were convicted of stealing and the punishment is cut off their fingers.
some past punishments were finger and foot removal.
pretty barbaric but i bet they don’t have too many looters there..
Do You Think “Protestors “Should Be Able To Shut Down Bridges Highways and Hospital Emergency Areas?
by minimus insome believe protesters have the “right” to block main roads, traffic and other places simply because they have a right to protest something.. in la, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would die!
in nyc blm protesters blocked the george washington bridge and other major highways and streets to protest for their cause.. do you think this is acceptable?
Anony Mous
@justaguynamedmorph: These people are often being stopped at gunpoint by BLM. Some people choose the beating and harassment over potentially being shot. Others shoot back, but then their lives may get destroyed anyway as their employers will be forced to fire them or they will be prosecuted for exercising their rights.
There are plenty of examples of all of the above, Portland has been ran by armed Antifa for years now, that couple in St. Louis, Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin, pretty much anyone in conservative media, public or higher education, government jobs finds out quickly Antifa/BLM terrorists in Democrat states and cities has the government in their pockets.
Do You Think “Protestors “Should Be Able To Shut Down Bridges Highways and Hospital Emergency Areas?
by minimus insome believe protesters have the “right” to block main roads, traffic and other places simply because they have a right to protest something.. in la, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would die!
in nyc blm protesters blocked the george washington bridge and other major highways and streets to protest for their cause.. do you think this is acceptable?
Anony Mous
@hoser: I like that. Perhaps Antifa will take suggestions on their website:
Do You Think “Protestors “Should Be Able To Shut Down Bridges Highways and Hospital Emergency Areas?
by minimus insome believe protesters have the “right” to block main roads, traffic and other places simply because they have a right to protest something.. in la, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would die!
in nyc blm protesters blocked the george washington bridge and other major highways and streets to protest for their cause.. do you think this is acceptable?
Anony Mous
It is acceptable to them. The left is brainwashed into thinking this is okay. Biden doesn't say anything about it, he hasn't condemned Antifa/BLM, instead his replacement Harris praises and directly supports them.
Harris set up funding to bail these people out of jail so they could reoffend, every one of the Antifa supporters that has murdered (more than 50 have been killed by BLM) or attempted murder (hundreds of people), including the attempted murder on Kyle Rittenhouse, had been arrested and released or bailed out multiple times.
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
Anony Mous
Really? 2018, Portland mayor Ted Wheeler says he’s okay with Antifa directing traffic:
2017: Police stand by while Antifa descends on rally and starts a fight:
2016: Portland riots by Antifa,_Oregon_riots
There are plenty of examples, if you don’t see them, it’s because you believe the left-wing when they say it’s all peaceful protests.
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
Anony Mous
@Earnest: Once again, you claim there exist such a thing as a separate Palestine (OPT or whatever you want to call it). It's actually the PLO (a terrorist antisemitic organization) that has tried to have the UN to recognize it, but it is not recognized by either the US or the EU thus it is not a country.
The West Bank was taken in 1967 by Israel including East Jerusalem. Hamas and Fatah (both terrorist and anti-semitic organizations with opposing Muslim factions) has fought about ruling the Palestinians in the area for a little over 15 years now but Israel does not recognize it.
Settlements there are legal Israel territory according to the Jerusalem Law which was passed by the Knesset in 1969 if I'm not mistaken, a legal government agency and recognized by the UN. The Knesset is comprising of Arabs (Muslims), Jews and Christians.
Hamas and Fatah may de-facto try to rule the Palestinians within the area through terrorism, but they are the occupiers in the area (not Israel) and Hamas claims ALL of Israel is its territory so of course, any Jewish settlement in the eyes of anti-semites has to be destroyed.
If you're trying to simplify it: Hamas/Fatah is Antifa/BLM, they try to rule an area like downtown Seattle and Portland, but it never goes well, in the end, nobody cares, Portland has been ruled by Antifa/BLM for 5-6 years now (they arrange traffic, enforce their own laws with beatings), but it's not officially recognized by anyone. It sucks for the people that live there, but that's not the US Government's fault, it's a failure of local leadership and the people that choose to live there knowing what is going on.
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
Anony Mous
First of all, I don't take in very high regard the extreme-left wing views of the South African state. Their constitution guarantees free health care, but doesn't implement it and has a government that wanton takes property to give it to the 'poor' who subsequently and obviously, because they do not have experience or training cannot manage the land, cannot afford to buy seed, tools and thus the land goes to waste. Apartheid is bad, the solution South Africa implemented (borderline communism) is worse.
By declaring Israel "Occupied Palestinian Territory" the whole treatise goes out the window. Israel is an established state, not an occupied territory. As I said, Palestine, as a country, never existed. The "State of Palestine" was invented by the UN in 1947 as a response to Arab pressures to finish wiping out the Jews after the holocaust and this state has never been recognized by the US or the UK.
It was British, before that Ottoman Empire, before that Roman Empire and before that "Israel" (a primarily Jewish territory which was pretty much dominated by empires throughout history).
To further destroy the first pillar, Palestinians can live free in Israel, Israel does have the right to set its own immigration law. These laws are very similar to the US's, if you are born of a US citizen, even abroad, you can always return because you are a US citizen - but we don't call the US an apartheid state because they accept foreigners born of US Citizens but not Mexicans.
To destroy your second pillar: The UN in its establishment of the State of Palestine, defined those regions, after the UK had already established Israel. Israel voluntarily gave and has actually given more land to the Palestines since. The Palestines won't be happy though until, as is explicitly stated in the Quran and by Hamas and by the PLO in the past and by Yasser Arafat and every group there is in Palestine to eradicate the Jews from the world. Israel has sufficient firepower to simply invade and take over the areas, and they have in various Israeli wars demonstrated their capability to even take Jordan and go as far as Egypt, but they simply don't.
As for the third pillar, there is no evidence of state-sanctioned torture of Palestinians within Israel.
I had walked from one apartheid state into another. No one needed to tell me that. - as Adam Sandler puts it "Earnest, not a Jew" - The fact however that you see a difference does not mean the state of Israel is to blame. Palestine, as I said, has been self-ruled and has the power to make its own elections, its own decisions, its own laws. They haven't had elections in a decade since the first and only election they had established a dictatorship.
Secondly, history shows that Jews made up 7% of the population of Israel in 1914. with Moslems comprising the largest segment of the population. <- Fixed that for you. And yes, Jews make up a minority in Israel, Palestinians and Christians get to be in their government too.
The reason the number of Jews in Palestine increased was the Balfour Declaration during the First World War which allowed for "a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine in exchange for support from the Zionists.
Yes, to the first part, no to the second part. The British area was given to the Jews during the Balfour Declaration, the primary goal was to return Jews their land which the Romans had taken and dispersed the Jews that live there, the second reason and primary reason for the British was to give control of the "holy sites" at that time under hot contention from all Christians, Jews and Muslims to the League of Nations. This was done to preserve the sites during the war and prevent a holy war. Zionism came later and was a side effect.
What’s up with the modern Nation of Israel?
by DATA-DOG inbeing raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
Anony Mous
How is Israel an apartheid state? The West Bank and Gaza is self-ruled by Hamas, a terrorist government supplied by Iran after Israel GAVE them the territories.
If Palestinians can’t feed themselves but can afford to send toy balloons with bombs to target kids, who is to blame?
Israel is the only integrated state in the Middle East. There live Jews, Christians and Muslims with equal opportunity. Palestine on the other hand has signs at their border that it will kill Jews on sight and live in squalor while receiving billions from Iran to build tunnels and rockets.
Read the history, not just what the media tells you. There is no Palestine, never was, Israel was given from a British colony, they defended invasions from Jordan, Egypt, Syria and conquered them, then gave it all back under pressure from left wing Americans.
Muslim extremists concocted the idea of a land of Palestine, kind of as a stand in for the unified Muslim country (like ISIS). But historically there never was a land of Palestine, there is no Palestine ethnicity or religion or anything until well after the establishment of Israel.
Before the British you could say the area was part of the Ottoman Empire but that is a very complex history with many concurrent claimants including Turkey, Syria, modern day Jordan.
It would be akin to giving back the US lands to the Native American tribes - which tribes lived where isn’t documented, what year are we picking to set it back to as nomadic tribes and internal conquering changed these things all the time.
California passes bill lessening penalty for pedophiles having sex with willing kids.
by mickbobcat ini was wondering about this.
if california or other far left groups in charge would push for making pedophiles quote normal unquote.
so it passed but has yet to be signed by newsom.
Anony Mous
I did some more research in the bill:
Wiener says exactly what the bill is about: SB145 ends discrimination against LGBTQ and makes statutory rape committed by LGBTQ exempt from having to be put on a sex registry.
There is already a 5 year age differential in the existing law (a 21 having sex with a 16 year old is ALREADY okay with California). So this is extending it to a 10 year differential for LGBTQ people, making a 21 year old LGBTQ male/female having sex with a 11 year old okay.
The other thing this bill changes is the nature of the person that commits statutory rape, it will still be statutory rape, but now if an LGBT person does it, their "institutional oppression" makes them immune from having to be a registered sex offender.
Previous bills of his downgraded the knowing transmission of HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor.
Another bill he has introduced is to force language (1st amendment violation) for prison and police officials to use gender pronouns of a criminals choice. The criminal could literally change pronouns daily and it would be a violation of their rights if the prison or police can't keep up.
He also introduced and passed a bill in California that allows sex offenders to be removed from the sex offender registry on demand or after periods as short as 5 year after a conviction. Ninety percent of California sex offenders will no longer be required to register after July 2021. In July 2023, any sex offender California hasn't processed yet into the new tiered system (whether to keep them 5, 10, 20 years on the registry), literally, a legal review of millions of records in 2 years, they will DROP OFF THE LIST.
Wiener has something to hide, he is or he protects a child sex predator. There is no reason to introduce draconian laws that will remove sentencing on 90% of child sex offenses.
California passes bill lessening penalty for pedophiles having sex with willing kids.
by mickbobcat ini was wondering about this.
if california or other far left groups in charge would push for making pedophiles quote normal unquote.
so it passed but has yet to be signed by newsom.
Anony Mous
Obviously, the left has already made clear that pedophilia is okay, if done by their own. BLM organizer, Christopher DeVries arrested on six counts of possession of child sex abuse images. There is a growing conviction, notably in Canada and California, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia “is a sexual orientation” and therefore “unlikely to change”. Or these disgusting pedophiles think they are "oppressed"
On topic:
10 years gap is way too much, that is obviously protecting and normalizing pedophiles, given the age of consent is 18 in California, the difference would thus mean an 8 year old child.
The "worst case scenario" is 17 with a 27 year old - clearly the age gap means that the older person is much more mentally developed than ANY 17 year old. If you are trying to protect the age differences, I'd say 3-5 years, that gives a 17 year old sway with up to 22 year olds.
It is scientifically accepted that most people's prefrontal cortex will not be fully developed until 21 anyway, so you could argue that the "impulse control wasn't fully developed yet". Worst case is an 18 year old high schooler with a 13 year old, some 13 year olds are notoriously adult. Anything that protects sex with younger than 13 is pedophilia normalization, something that has held for thousands of years, all societies have protected their young up until the age of ~12-14yo.
There is no sub-12yo that is sexually developed, most people become there around 16 and that was the lower average age range throughout human history, sure there were places where taking younger females (not males) was allowable but it was virtually never fully acceptable and was more about legally protecting the proclivities of pedophilia within the aristocracy.
With a 23-27 year old that argument no longer holds, you can drink, you can choose not to have sex with a 17 year old.